Originally, I was only planning to write on here every few days...especially if those days were just driving days. I couldn't imagine anything being exciting enough about driving across the entirety of Texas to relive through writing. Unfortunately, Daniel came up with something for us to write about. We had not even been gone from Birmingham for 24 hours yet when we found ourselves debating an emergency room visit versus waiting for a doctor's office to open up!
Here's my side of the story. I'd say it started about phase 4 of our intense flashback Phase 10 battle. We were hanging out with old college-friends in Dallas that we had not seen in quite some time. Daniel started complaining that he was feeling a "little off". We just thought it was because he was three phases behind, but when we were getting ready to go to sleep, he really was not feeling well. I could tell he was struggling after about 4 hours of tossing and turning. He decided to give the toilet another try around 4AM...this is where things spiraled quickly southward. I'm not too sure what happened in the bathroom, but I was rudely awakened by the desperation cry of my husband in need! I jumped out of bed, and to my alarm I found him crouched in the corner at the foot of the bed. He looked like Casper, and was as sweaty as Napoleon Dynamite in a dance-off. So, I calmly began to gather our belongings, and prepare for hours in the emergency room. After he got his bearings back, he actually felt a little better, just exhausted. We got him back to bed, and he was sleeping like a baby, so we decided to hold off on the ER visit. When we woke up in the morning, he was a new man! Praise God!
With all that said, I have a confession to make. We went out for burgers with our friends prior to this fiasco. My burger had more pink on one side than I prefer. I ate the parts that were well done, and left the other on my plate. Daniel often times will finish what I don't want...and he did this time as well. We are pretty sure this is where the trouble started.
So, we were off to a rocky start on our first night, but we have high hopes for the next 34. Texas was flat and goes on for what seems like forever. But we are loving Albuquerque, which is where we are tonight. It's amazing to see how God causes the mountains to rise right up out of the endless miles of grasslands and plains.
One of the many trains we saw today. |
Next stop - The Grand Canyon!
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