Saturday, June 27, 2015

Canada, Eh!

So, we went to Canada the other day.  We only stayed for right around 24 hours, but we can officially say we’ve been there now.  Other than having to convince the Mountie in the booth that AL stood for Alabama, not Alaska, crossing the border was pretty simple since we actually remembered our passports this time.  We noticed a few immediate differences as we crossed the border.  The accents were many and various.  We never knew what we would hear when someone opened their mouth.  Also, the metric system is awful!  It took a while to figure out how fast we could go, and we still don’t know how much gas costs.  What kind of gas price is 136.9?!

Our Tiny Little Plane!
We went to Whistler, British Columbia for one reason and one reason only.  I had somehow convinced my acrophobic husband to climb aboard one of the tiniest planes we have ever seen, and soar high above glaciers and ancient volcanoes.  I’m still shocked that he agreed to fly anywhere when not necessary, but he was very brave.  Once we reached the end of the dock on Green Lake, we had to stoop to even fit through the plane’s door.  We had to sit single file inside, which made it hard to squeeze each other’s hand when we were scared.  I really wanted to ride shotgun when the pilot offered it up, but I couldn’t take that joy from the little old man sitting in front of me!

Lake Garibaldi (1-Mile High)
The ride up was not bad at all actually.  We enjoyed unbelievable views of mountains, glaciers, and a mile-high lake.  We had seen plenty of waterfalls so far on the trip, but as we flew over Mount Garibaldi, we got to see our first (and probably only) icefall, especially in June!  I was soaking it all up, taking a million pictures (just like my momma taught me), and loving every second!...but then we turned around.  I guess maybe we were against the wind, or something, but the ride back was sheer misery, even for me.  I tried to sike myself out and say it wasn’t even as bad as riding an Arkansas interstate, but who was I kidding…it was bad.  I haven’t been that nauseous since the time I ate a fried Snicker bar before getting on a Peanut Festival ride!  In fact, I am proudly vomit-free since 2006, but I almost lost that status all over Whistler!

Ok, enough about that.  It was rough, but we are both so glad we did it.  There is no other possible way we could have seen what we saw up there.  And now that we’ve seen it, we can’t imagine missing it on account of fear.

Unfortunately, if it’s not winter, then there is not a terrible amount of things to do in Whistler.  So, after our plane ride, we enjoyed afternoon nap time, and woke up in time to watch mountain bikers fly down a course while we ate supper.  Then…back to bed.

We Were Glad to Be Back!
Everyone knows vacation can be a lot of work.  So, Canada was a bit of a rest stop for us before the last leg of our trip.  We enjoyed a great time of relaxation, and headed towards Spokane, WA for a layover night before reaching our next true destination.  On the way, we stopped at the North Cascades National Park, and checked out some waterfalls, lakes, and dams.  However, it was nothing compared to what we were about to see.

Next Stop – Glacier National Park!!!

Our Pilot...His Name Was Daniel!
Do We Look as Nervous as We Were?
Mount Garibaldi

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