We like to travel.
We like to just get in the car and drive. Sometimes near. Sometimes far, far away.
We like to cruise, apparently even directly through tropical depressions.
We have recently discovered that we even kinda like to fly. Especially now that we know not to attempt a two day trip without some good sleeping drugs.
We really like to travel.
We decided when we were engaged that we wanted to travel a lot throughout our marriage. We have kept pretty true to that, so far. In just the year and a half that we have been married, we have visited 5 different countries (6 depending on how you feel about Grand Cayman -- I'm just awful at any form of geography). It seems like, for me at least, the more I travel, the more I want to travel. Everywhere we go, I see something new and realize that there is so much more that I need to see. It's a vicious cycle really.
But, I think that there is a deeper reason for our love of traveling than just because we like it. I think that, for us, traveling breeds worship. And I don't mean playing air guitar and singing at the top of our lungs with Kim Walker or Phil Wickham. Or even "screaming Jesus out the window while we changing lanes" with Lecrae. Don't get me wrong, we do plenty of both of those. But I'm talking about the things that you see when you travel that leave an impression on your mind or a picture that you don't/can't forget that reveals something awesome about the character of God. I mean, like how it's hard to see something as breathtaking as an explosive sun rise from 40,000ft above the Western coast of Africa and not be overcome with the strength and creativity of God. And, I dare you to stand at the rim of Niagara Falls and not be humbled by the immensity of His mind and power. Heck, sometimes my heart flutters up with worship just knowing that Christ pursues, protects and provides for me infinitely more than the man who loves to just be with me in a car for 16 out of 24 hours in a day. (No offense, babe, you do an awesome job... God's just better!)
I pray that God continues to surprise us and swell our hearts with worship for Himself through the beauty of new places. But I also pray that he keeps us from going anywhere that He is not sending us.
So, what birthed the blog, you ask? We simply just want to share some of the ways that God reveals Himself with anyone who wants to read.
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